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Flavored Coconut butters and coconut butter recipes. Organic. Gluten free. Dairy free. Peanut free. Soy free. Keto. Paleo. Whole30.

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Skip the Sugar | Start your Day off Right

Joel Austin

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Angie, Founder of Coconut Kitchen, shares her thoughts on the most important meal of the day.

Staying motivated to eat healthy foods, exercise, drink enough water, and do all of the things we need to do to feel our best can be a lot of work (I’m exhausted just thinking about it). The reward is great, though, so I thought I’d share a few tips to make is as painless as possible.

It’s a million times easier to accomplish your healthy eating goals when you make a habit of starting your day right.  Starting your day off with a breakfast rich in low glycemic foods like eggs, avocados and protein-rich full fat Greek yogurt (stay away from the fruit flavored varieties - they’re loaded with sugar) stabilizes your blood sugar so you won’t be fighting cravings all day.  

Here are some great tips to stay on track for the rest of the day!

  • Watch out for hidden sugars

Hidden sugars are everywhere! They’re in your favorite condiments, canned goods, sauces, yogurts, bread, and cereals! Check the labels on your go-to foods like “healthy” yogurts before you start breakfast.

Proceed with caution with foods labeled “low fat”. Fats are almost always replaced with sugars in these products. Fat is not the enemy anyway. Did you know that the best way to reduce glycemic load is to add fat to your meal or snack?

  • Ditch the sweet drinks

We all know to stay away from soda. Did you know that fruit juices, energy drinks, fancy “coffee” drinks, and flavored “waters” are loaded with sugar and can derail your healthy eating for the rest of the day? And what about smoothies?

Smoothies are a great way to start your day or to grab a quick snack, but proceed with caution.  Even though many are loaded with fruits & vegetables, they are also loaded with enough sugar to send your insulin spiking and start the vicious sugar-craving cycle which can derail your entire day. If you’re going to have a smoothie, use a stevia sweetened protein powder and skip the bananas and other high sugar fruits. Stick with berries and add a little avocado or coconut butter to satiate you and keep the glycemic load down.

  • Plan your snacks and meals

I love the saying, “fail to plan and plan to fail.” It rings true for so many aspects of our lives - especially our diets! Plan your meals and you’ll be less likely to grab something on the fly that contains sugars and other unhealthy additives. Make meals loaded with whole foods at home so you can control the ingredients and portions on your own. Sliced avocados, hard-boiled eggs, nuts and low sugar fruits are a nutritious start to the day or a snack for anytime.

  • Live a little (the 80/20 rule)

Now, hear us out. Moderation is the key to everything - life is a marathon and not a sprint, just like eating well is a lifestyle.  If you tell yourself that you can never have some of your favorite indulgences, you are setting yourself up for failure. It’s not realistic (or sustainable) to completely cut foods you love out of your diet (that’s why fad diets don’t work!) So, go ahead and indulge that sweet tooth on occasion but don’t go crazy!

There are tons of nutritious foods that can curb your craving for sugar and even taste - dare we say - indulgent. Our Dark Chocolate coconut butter is a prime example of a sweet treat that’s not loaded with hidden sugars! (Pair a spoonful with a bit of peanut butter for a decadent treat!)

What healthful tip has helped you along your journey? Please share it with us!

Stock up on coconut butter this November. Use code: THANKFUL18-B, to save $6 on a coconut butter Crave Case. Save $6 now through November 30th at 11:59 pm CST.